================ Technical manual ================ Modules ======= jedli_main __________ This is the module that initiates the GUI (graphical user interface). In the executable version of the program, it is called jedli_main.exe .. automodule:: jedli_main :members: :undoc-members: jedli_gui _________ Contains the code for the main window of the Jedli GUI .. automodule:: modules.jedli_gui :members: :undoc-members: jedli_logic ___________ Contains the code for the main Jedli search tools (Indexer, Highlighter, Context Search) .. automodule:: modules.jedli_logic :members: :undoc-members: core_mining_functions _____________________ Contains the functions that are used by all jedli tools .. automodule:: modules.core_mining_functions :members: :undoc-members: jedli_global.py _______________ Contains important global variables .. automodule:: modules.jedli_global :members: :undoc-members: jedli_logger.py _______________ Contains the code for the log screen that opens alongside the main Jedli window .. automodule:: modules.jedli_logger :members: :undoc-members: jedli_EpubConverter ___________________ Contains an epub converter for Shamela texts .. automodule:: modules.jedli_EpubConverter :members: :undoc-members: jedli_search_options ____________________ Contains the code for the search options window GUI .. automodule:: modules.jedli_search_options :members: :undoc-members: source_selection ________________ Contains the code for the source selection window GUI .. automodule:: modules.source_selection :members: :undoc-members: sourceUpdate ____________ Contains the code for the source update window GUI .. automodule:: modules.sourceUpdata :members: :undoc-members: setDefaultValues ________________ Contains the code for the set default values window GUI .. automodule:: modules.setDefaultValues :members: :undoc-members: date_plot _________ Contains the code for the plotly graph that represents the spread of results over time .. automodule:: modules.date_plot :members: :undoc-members: chronoplot __________ Contains the code for the plotly scatter/line plot that represents the distribution of the sets of search words within the text .. automodule:: modules.chronoplot :members: :undoc-members: